Skoči na vsebino

M. Clemenceau stated that he was obliged to submit to the Council a document which had been communicated officially by the Serbian delegation (see Appendix A').

Ključne besede:
  1. zgodovina | Geschichte
  1. Evropa | Europa
  1. 1918 | 1918
  1. Georges Clemenceau | Georges Clemenceau
Kategorije: protokol
Število strani: 2

Vir: No. 10 Notes of a Meeting of the Heads of Delegations of the Five Great Powers Held in M. Pichon's Room, Quai d'Orsay, Paris, July 12, 1919 Doc. on British Fas. Pol. 1919 -39, First Series Vol. I. 1919 Str. 81 – 82


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